There are many of reason to make your blogger blog private, and the reason is various from one blogger to another. One good reason is, instead of deleting your blogger blog, making it private is a good idea, so your username(Blogspot URL) will be live so that you can work on it in future if you like to. Another reason is, sharing your important files/media with your classmates/friends/family in public URL is not good ideas.

So when you make your blogger blog private/anonymous and if someone tries to access it, then Google blogger first tell them to sign in with their Gmail ID. And if the Gmail ID is same as you have set in your blogger setting option, then they can see your blog. Otherwise, they will see this kind of error.

private blogger blog error on invalid access

So, they will only see your blog, if you have invited them from your blogger setting option, which I will tell you right now.

Steps to make your blogger blog privately

  1. First of go to setting menu then click on a basic option.

    steps to make your blogger blog private

  2. Scroll down to permission option, and look out into the Blog Readers option.

  3. Set the suitable private option, and click on save changes.

Private Blog Options.

Public Blog Readers:

  • By default, all Blogspot blogs are public so that all internet users can read your blog post/pages.

Private - Only Blog Authors:

  • If your blog has multiple authors, for example, group study type blogs, on which other students can also publish blog post/pages, so for this kind of blogger blog, this option is good, so only your classmates can access to your blog.

  • If you don’t add any authors on your blog and select this option, then only you can access to your blog.

Private - Only these readers:

  • If you don’t want to add anyone as authors(which have limited functionality than admin, but they can publish/delete their blog post/page), and you just want to allow someone, so they can only read your blog post, then this is the good option.

  • On this setting, you just have to add your readers Gmail ID. It means if they sign in(or already logged in) with their Google account and their Gmail Id is match with your setting option, then they can see your blog; otherwise they will see an error.

  • Make sure you enter one Gmail ID per line.

  • If you don’t add any readers to your blog and select this option, then only you can access to your blog.

Few notes on private blogger blog.

  1. Make sure your readers/authors have Google account, without their Gmail ID you can’t invite them. Other mail services (like Outlook, Yahoo mail or any Custom domain email) will not work here.

  2. You can’t add more than 100 people to view your private blog, which includes all admins(You), authors and readers.

Hope you like my post, let me know in comments if you have any troubleshot. OR have a good day :)